About Data View drill configuration
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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About Data View drill configuration

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Article summary

The Drill function for a Data View can be configured by default for the end user to conduct drill downs on Entities, a drill-to-Screen, a drill by Procedure, or deploying a Drill through by clicking an Entity configured by row. The Drill anywhere function can be configured to let end users choose their own default drill and conduct their own drill. The configuration can show all, show selected elements, or be disabled all together for Entities, Screens, Procedures, and Drill throughs.

Default Drill-down

You can configure a default drill-down path that is saved in the Data View configuration and performed by default in Play mode.

Default Drill downs are deployed when end users:

  • click on the Drill down button

  • double click the most-nested Entity set By Row.

Configure default drills, limit drills for end user, or add a drill with a selection filter

The following articles describe the different types of default Drills you can configure and/or allow the end user to configure:

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