About the Advanced Transaction Object (ATO)
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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About the Advanced Transaction Object (ATO)

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Article summary

The Advanced Transaction Object (ATO) management provides the end user with a controlled and guided environment for creating new Entity members and relationships.

In ATO management environments, you can also use the Data View Object to allow end users to enter data in Cubes right after the creation of a new Entity member.

Typically, the structure of an ATO management environment in a Screen or a Container includes:

  • one or more Entity editors, which allows the creation or edit of Entity members

  • (optional) one or more Data View Objects allowing data entry related to newly created Entity members. To do so, Data entry must be enabled on one or more Data Blocks of the Layout, and data entry actions must be performed at the physical level of the Cubes. See Data entry on Cubes for more details

The following picture shows a Screen with ATO management enabled:


When an ATO management environment contains at least one Entity editor and at least one Data View, the Layout of all Data Views is executed only after the user selects an Entity member on each of the available Entity editors. This allows the Capsule designer to create a Screen where the end user must explicitly make a selection on an Entity editor before entering or viewing data.

The following picture shows a Screen with ATO management enabled, but the user hasn't selected a member on all the Entity editors:


As you can see, the Layouts associated with the Data Views are not executed and no data is displayed.

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