- 08 Oct 2024
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Bug fixes and minor changes 12.1
- Updated on 08 Oct 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
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Minor changes
Cubes. The Sparsity analysis has been added In the "ANALYSYS" page for each Cube
Maintenance Mode Log file. The Maintenance Mode Log file now includes the name of the Data model that gets locked by the activation of the Maintenance mode
Add to Home icon on iPhone/iPad. A new Board icon is added on iOS-based devices when the "Add to Home" option on Safari is used with a Board URL
Data Reader. In a SQL Data Reader, it is now possible to drag and drop any RDB item onto the WHERE clause configuration area so that writing it is easier and less prone to syntax errors
Bug Fixes
Data Entry
A malfunction where the data-entry option would unexpectedly become active on Data Views in conjunction with Pagers selections has been corrected
A malfunction where the data-entry option on a Blob cube wasn't working if a master layout selection had been made in the same Screen has been resolved
An issue where the entire Data View was deleted when a trying to delete a single value using the DEL key in Design mode has been fixed
A malfunction that caused values entered with a data-entry action to be saved in wrong cells of a Data View has in Play mode been resolved
Data Reader
A malfunction where a Data Reader would get stuck when populating 4 different cubes with the same structure has been resolved
When browsing results of a SQL Data Reader, the correct decimal separator is now properly applied based on your Culture
The discarded records log of a Data Reader is now overwritten after each run in order to show the most recent information
SQL queries pasted in the manual query area sometimes didn't display all lines correctly. The visualization issue has been fixed
An issue caused a "PROCEDURE 'DATAREAD' FAILED" error when running Data Readers or procedures after restarting the Board Engine and WebApi from the Cloud Administration portal. The issue has been fixed
Data model
When creating a Rule, a data picker that referenced 2 or more cubes wasn't working properly. This issue has been fixed
When updating from Board 10.x to Board 2021 releases, cube versions are now aligned as expected
In some cases, the Impact Analysis page wasn't showing all Capsules linked to a Data model. This issue has been fixed
A malfunction where Capsules weren't listed in the Impact Analysis page when the "Hide Screen list" option was active has been resolved
A malfunction that caused security selections on Database profiles to be ignored has been resolved
Screen visualization
An issue that prevented text in a Data View subgroups row headers from wrapping even if the "Wrap row headers" option was enabled has been fixed
A display issue with vertical scrolling of Data Views on touch devices has been resolved
The "Refresh on DataEntry" option under the SCREEN PROPERTIES menu in Design mode is now working as expected
In a Data View with data entry enabled and suggested value set on entity, double clicking on a cell and selecting a suggested value caused the Screen to freeze. This issue has been fixed
A malfunction that prevented selection made in Pagers to be correctly shown in labels containing substitution formulas has been corrected
Block format and Color alert configurations are now applied also to collapsed Down total rows of a Data View
Clicking multiple times on the SAVE button in the lock & spread window caused the page to become unresponsive. This issue has been fixed
When you zoom out, bubbles in the Geo Map Objects now consolidate into a marker if the values of the Data Block they represent are the same. These markers support Drill and Select actions, Color Alert configurations in the Layout editor and their color can be customized from the Object properties panel in Design mode
An issue with the Master Layout option and the Selector's selection in a Screen didn't update data shown in Data Views correctly. This issue has been fixed
A Label Object configured with a comment was inconsistent with regards to the custom formatting displayed in Design and Play mode. This issue has been fixed
An issue that prevented Data Views to appear in Play mode, if they had been configured with a vertical Layout and the visibility property had been set, has been fixed
A bug where multiple pagers set on Entities in the same Hierarchy were not updating correctly has been fixed
The @entity substitution formula wasn't working in the Dynawrite Object if the chosen Entity name contained a whitespace character. The formula is now working properly
In some cases, the "Distribute horizontally" alignment option changed the Objects position on the Screen incorrectly. The option is now working as expected
The Dynamic selection on a fiscal year with the "Current" period option turned on is now working as expected
Calendar. An issue with Daylight saving time in certain time zones caused selections made through the Calendar Object to be inconsistent. The issue has been fixed
Dataflow. A malfunction where a Dataflow wrote values on a wrong target Entity has been corrected
Dataflow. A malfunction where a text Dataflow didn't wrote the expected text string has been resolved
Dataflow. A malfunction where a Dataflow between two cubes with the same structure but a different sparsity configuration wasn't working properly has been resolved
Dataflow. A malfunction where a Dataflow between cubes with a different structure wasn't working has been corrected
Dataflow. A problem with the Dynamic Offset option in Dataflows on cubes with two dimensions caused wrong values to be written in the target cube. This issue has been fixed
Dataflow. Dataflows wasn't working properly when 0, null and empty values had to be written. This issue has been fixed
Dataflow. In case of high concurrency, a "Dataflow completed successfully" error message was displayed to users. This issue has been fixed
Dataflow. Various malfunctions that caused all Layouts configured in Dataflow steps of a Procedure to be cleared and Selections to be reset have been resolved
Dataflow. Text Dataflows involving the @entity substitution formula weren't working if the chosen Entity name contained a whitespace character. The issue has been fixed
Export data to xlsx. A malfunction that prevented the export of a Data View with a Drill-down configured on a column has been resolved
Layout. Layouts with Cubes dimensioned by day as Data Blocks and with the Yearly Cumulated Value and/or Previous Year time functions turned on weren't working as expected in case of leap years. This issue has been fixed
Layout. The structure of temporary cubes in the Layout editor of Dataflow steps is now displayed correctly
Layout. An issue with data not being displayed in the right rows of a Data View has been corrected
Login. A malfunction that prevented users from logging into Platforms associated with a Subscription Hub and on-premises has been resolved
Nexel. The CrossView aggregation formula is working again
Office add-in. A malfunction where users logged via SAML authentication were unable to configure a Layout in MS Word and PowerPoint has been corrected
Office add-in. Connection to a Board server from a machine with FIPS cryptography turned on is working as expected
Presentations. A bug that prevented Presentation from proceeding after the 2nd slide with Autoplay enabled has been resolved
Procedures. A malfunction in an "Extract cube" procedure step executed on a BLOB cube caused only a partial extraction of files from the cube. This issue has been fixed
Procedures. Procedure steps that executed a Data model restore action to a custom path without specifying the Data model name caused a corruption in the target Data model. This issue has been fixed
Procedures. Interactive selection steps on the same Entity using the lazo feature weren't working properly. This issue has been fixed
Procedures. "Refresh screen" steps in procedures are now working properly in Presentations as well
Procedures. "Clear cube" procedure steps are executed significantly faster, even when large amounts of data need to be deleted
Procedures. A malfunction that allowed skipping required interactive selection steps in a procedure has been corrected
Search Engine Settings. Folder security rules prevented some Capsule from being selected as searchable under the Search Engine Settings tab under System Administration. This issue has been fixed
Security. An issue that prevented new users, profiles and security profiles to be saved in the security database has been fixed
Subscription Hub. A malfunction that prevented users from logging into Platforms associated with a Subscription Hub has been resolved
Subscription Hub. An issue that caused an error when retrieving the user's contact list in a Board Platform associated with a Subscription Hub has been fixed
Subscription Hub. A bug that prevented Board APIs to return correct procedures statuses for Board Platforms associated with a Subscription Hub has been fixed
Subscription Hub. API calls using Client APIs configurations in the Subscription Hub are now working as expected
Time Entities. It is no longer possible to normalize time Entities (either through the "Normalize tree" procedure step or through the "NORMALIZE" option in the Time range section of Data models