Bug fixes and minor changes 12.4
  • 08 Oct 2024
  • 17 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Bug fixes and minor changes 12.4

  • Dark

Article summary

Minor changes

  • Audit log download - A new Audit log download button has been added in the Users section of the Subscription Hub. Clicking on the button opens a dedicated pop up window that allows you to pick a date range that will define which Audit Log files will be downloaded. Click on the DOWNLOAD button to download the specified log collection set to your local system. The log files are contained in a compressed file with a ZIP extension

  • My Screen View enhancement - The My Screen View feature now saves additional Data View configurations applied in Play mode. In addition to the previous ones, the following additional customizations are now saved:

    • Freeze Panes settings

    • Number Scaling status (enabled/disabled)

    • Grand total row on top status (enabled/disabled)

Bug fixes (Updated 09/28/2022)

Data view

  • In some cases, values entered in a tooltip were not saved in the associated cell. The issue has been fixed

  • A malfunction prevented data entry actions from being performed on the total cell of a Column with the Detail by option enabled

  • Data views with the "Multi-level column headers" option enabled caused the failure of the Layout execution if the "Row totals" option was disabled on all Blocks of the Layout. The issue has been fixed

  • A malfunction that caused and error when trying to use the Lock and Spread feature (Simple mode) on a Data view with the "Hide grand total row" option enabled has been resolved

  • A visualization issue prevented updated values from being displayed after a data entry action on a total cell in a Data view with many rows. The issue has been fixed

  • A malfunction prevented the total cell of an Algorithm Block from updating after a data entry action on another cell of the same Block. The issue has been resolved

  • The selection of many subsequent cells in one or more columns is now handled correctly and behaves as expected

  • Smarties color alerts in Data views with Entity grouping caused values in group cells to be truncated. The visualization issue has been fixed

  • Grand total cells did not update correctly after unsaved data entry actions in Data views with more than 100 rows. The issue has been resolved

  • On iPads, the "enable underline" option caused the Layout execution to fail. The issue has been resolved

  • Exporting a Data view with the Number scaling option enabled to PDF now works as expected

  • Custom border formatting for cells was not displayed correctly in Data views with more than 100 rows after scrolling. The issue has been resolved


  • In some cases, Dataflows having a source Layout with the Yearly Cumulated Value time function caused Procedures to fail

  • Dataflows using the RAND() function are now working as expected, even if the Procedure is launched multiple times

  • Dataflows with a Layout using the Yearly Cumulated Value time function and having Rules with the Column offset option (dot Rules) are now writing values correctly

  • In some cases, launching a Data reader before launching a Procedure which included a Dataflow with the “Target dynamic offset” option caused the Dataflow to write wrong values. The issue has been resolved

  • A malfunction that caused the Dataflow to write wrong values when a Rule and a Time function were applied in the same Layout has been resolved

  • A malfunction caused Dataflows involving temporary Cubes to fail if those Cubes had at least a replicated Entity in their dimensions and they were used in multiple Dataflows in the same Procedure. The issue has been resolved

  • Dataflows configured with a text algorithm did not write any strings if target cells contained no values. The issue has been resolved

  • Dataflows from Currency Cubes to Double Cubes now write values correctly

  • Substitution formulas used in an Algorithm Block in the Dataflow Layout are now handled correctly and the Dataflow writes values as expected

  • A Temporary Cube that is the target of a Dataflow is now cleared before the Dataflow execution, so that existing values are deleted

  • In some cases, a Pager set on an Entity that was also a dimension of a Cube used in a Select based on cube and the "No all" option enabled caused an invalid selection, resulting in no value being written. The issue has been resolved

  • In some cases, Dataflows configured with the Target dynamic offset were not respecting the time range of the Data model if the absolute offset Cube included dates outside the time range of the Data model. The issue has been fixed

  • A Dataflow whose source is a MDB Cube and whose target is a RDB (Rolap) Cube now works even when the "Extend calculation" option is not configured

  • In some cases, Dataflows with period offset and a selection wrongly deleted values for members outside the active selection. The issue has been fixed

  • In some cases, Dataflows having the "Period by period recursion" option enabled and a period offset set on the source Block wrote wrong values if the first member considered for the recursive calculation was outside the active selection. The bug has been fixed

  • A Dataflow from a numeric Cube to a text Cube did not write the expected values if those Cubes had different dimensions. The issue has been fixed

  • In some specific cases, Rules in source Layouts of a Dataflow caused it to fail. The bug has been fixed


  • In some cases, Layouts containing a Cube structured by Entities having members with missing relationships and the Yearly Cumulated Value time function applied failed. The malfunction has been resolved

  • In some cases, a Layout containing multi-versioned Cubes output generated results considering wrong versions of Cubes and this caused the data displayed in Objects to be incorrect. The issue has been resolved

  • The “Total” analytical function applied to a Currency Cube gave wrong results. The issue has been resolved

  • Layouts that use analytical functions and the Detail By option are now loading significantly faster

  • In some cases, Data entry actions were unexpectedly discarded. The issue has been resolved

  • A malfunction that caused a Screen selection to be ignored when a Layout included an Unbalanced Entity By Row and an Entity Block has been resolved

  • A malfunction that caused the "Calculated" setting of the "Summary" property of an Algorithm Block to be ignored if a Rule was applied on the Entity set by column has been resolved

  • A bug that caused the failure of Layouts containing an algorithm Block with a formula enclosed in parentheses has been fixed

  • Vertically aligned Layouts having Blocks with the Detail by option enabled are now working again

  • Layouts with an algorithm Block added before the Block it references and the Detail by option enabled on another Block resulted in the Detail by option to behave incorrectly with the Entity set by column. The issue has been resolved

  • Layouts containing an algorithm Block referencing another Block with a Rule with the "Apply on totals" option enabled gave wrong results in the associated Data view. The issue has been resolved

  • Layouts containing an algorithm and another algorithm with a dt or a gt function are now calculating row totals correctly

  • The execution of Layouts containing an algorithm Block with a color alert set on it is now significantly faster

  • A regression that caused the Layout execution to fail when Cubes contained null values has been fixed

  • Vertically aligned Layouts now correctly display Row totals based on the "Row totals" property setting


  • If a Procedure had a “Clear Entity” step and subsequent “Text file Data Reader” steps that loaded data in Cubes having the cleared Entity in their structure and two versions, the second version of said Cubes was not aligned correctly. The issue has been resolved

  • If two Procedures were launched at the same time and one had a Data reader step, the selection applied to the second Procedure changed unexpectedly and random error on Layouts appeared. The issue has been resolved

  • The "Extract Dataset" step now correctly handles text strings enclosed in double quotes

  • The “Chunk size” parameter in the Bulk insert to SQL Table step now indicates the number of fields (columns) processed with a single server roundtrip instead of rows as it was previously, and the default value has been lowered to reduce the failure of Procedures

  • The "Bulk insert to SQL Table" step now supports text algorithms and temporary Cubes in the associated Layout

  • If a selection is applied to a "If then else" step, the button next to the "if" field changes its call to action to "EDIT SELECTIONS" to reflect the Select state

  • The "Reset to current screen" step caused the Procedure to fail if the Screen had a selection applied using the Dynamic selection feature and contained a Pager. The issue has been fixed

  • Two "Extract Cube" steps executed before and after a "Selection" step didn't generate the expected files. The issue has been resolved

  • A malfunction with the "Text File Data reader" step having a source file path other than the default one and a BLOB Cube as target caused the reload process to fail. The bug has been fixed

  • The "Xbrl tuple fill" step now generates documents with the correct structure and tags

  • In some cases, if the Layout associated with the "Export Dataset" step included an Entity Block and multiple Entities set By Row, the export process failed. The issue has been fixed and a new behavior has been implemented: when the Layout has one or more Entity Blocks, zero values are not included in the exported file unless the "Extract zeroes" checkboxes next to the Entities set By Row are ticked

  • If the "Notify execution" property is set to "Freeze Screen", the overlay which prevents users from clicking anywhere now disappears as soon as the Procedure is finished

  • Substitution formulas in "Show message" steps are now showing the correct members resulting from a manual selection

Subscription Hub

  • If a default Single Sign-on service was enabled in the General Settings section of the Subscription Hub, a malfunction caused a non-existing Board user to enter an infinite redirect loop when trying to log into Board with that very Single Sign-on service. The issue has been fixed

  • In the User profile panel, the Portuguese language is correctly associated with Brazil in the the Culture dropdown 22819

  • The export users feature didn't export user metadata correctly if these fields contained multiple comma-separated values. The issue has been resolved and now multiple values of a single fields are exported enclosed in double quotes

  • For the Sync to Data model feature to work correctly, the Database security profile associated with the default "admin" role must be configured as described in this page (update)

  • An error that caused unexpected logouts from Platforms associated with the Subscription Hub has been fixed

  • A malfunction that caused an error when trying to upload metadata via a XML file during the configuration of an external IDP has been resolved


  • ATO. New members added in ATO environments with the “Auto incremental” options enabled were overwriting existing members. The bug has been fixed

  • Broadcasting. A malfunction prevented scheduled broadcasting jobs from being executed if the user who created them was associated with multiple Platforms on the Subscription Hub. The issue has been fixed

  • Button. Visibility settings of a Button/Label depending on a selection made via a Selector on a Screen are now applied correctly

  • Card. Several visualization issues regarding the "Tooltip by" option have been resolved: tooltips now adjust their width based on the text they display and are visible also if they go over the edge of the Object area

  • Charts. Graphic elements of a chart that went over the edge of the plot area were truncated if the chart was exported/printed, even if the "enablePlotAreaOverflow" parameter was set to "true" in the appsettings.config file. The issue has been fixed

  • Charts. When various charts were added to different tabs of a tab Container, refreshing the Layout of a chart in one tab caused charts in other tabs to shrink. The issue has been fixed

  • Collaboration. A malfunction that prevented User Groups from being used when defining the target of a new Feed has been resolved

  • Cube write-back. A specific scenario in which multiple concurrent write-backs on the same Cube slice caused the system to become unresponsive has been addressed

  • Data entry. Data entry actions in Data views with more than 100 rows and the Freeze Panes feature enabled are now working properly

  • Data entry. Validation rules used in conjunction with suggested values now work as expected, even if the user performs subsequent data entry actions on the same cell

  • Data model. In some cases, if an administrator changed a security selection in a Database security profile that had multiple security selections applied to various Data models, all unmodified selections were lost. The issue has been fixed

  • Data model. In some cases, creating a new version of an existing Cube was impossible due to an error that prevented users from saving the version. The bug has been fixed

  • Data model. The Security Report page under the "Database security" section is available again in Platforms associated with a Subscription Hub

  • Dynawrite. Text strings (stored in a text Cube) that contain line feed and carriage return characters are now displayed correctly

  • Dynawrite. Copying text strings which contained line feed and carriage return characters and pasting them in a Dynawrite caused those very characters to be lost. The issue has been fixed

  • Entity editor. When creating a new member, it is now again possible to create new members at higher levels of the hierarchy

  • Excel add-in. If an Excel workbook saved on OneDrive was opened by double-clicking the file, layouts were lost. The issue has been fixed

  • Excel add-in. Users having a role with custom selection scripts using the @var function were not able to open the Layout editor in Excel after having exported a Data view to a Microsoft Excel Workbook for Board add-in. The issue had been resolved

  • Excel add-in. In some cases, Layouts configured in Excel using the Board add-in were lost after disconnecting and reconnecting to Board. The issue has been fixed

  • Export data to XLSX. In some cases, the "Export data to XLSX" feature using the Page By option did not export all expected members when there was an active selection on the same Entity used in the Page By option. The issue has been fixed

  • Export printable report. In some cases, changing a selection applied on a Screen having a Pager and different Data views configured in separate printing areas with the "Repeat by" function caused the export process to fail. The issue has been resolved

  • Export printable report. The "Export printable report" feature now works as expected, even with anonymous authentication

  • Impact Analysis. Procedures listed in the table under the "Analysis" tab now correctly show all connected objects, even after renaming the Data model

  • Lock and Spread. If read-only and data-entry enabled cells are selected, the functions in the left panel become available and affect only data-entry enabled cells

  • Presentations. Users that logged into Board using the username and password method and wrote their username differently from how it was created (i.e. with uppercase or lowercase letters) were not seeing any Presentation in the corresponding area of Board. The issue has been fixed

  • Rules. A malfunction caused wrong rule results after changing relationships between members of an Unbalanced Hierarchy, unless the Data model was unloaded and reloaded in memory. The issue has been fixed

  • Screen editor. The legend area of Charts can be moved and resized again and, if needed, the horizontal scrollbar appears as expected

  • Screen visualization. The Top Menu in Play mode now works as expected, even on small screens/mobile devices with different browsers (in detail, a special optimization has been implemented for iPhones using the browser Safari)

  • Screen visualization. Color alert configurations that use transparency are consistently applied to all cells of the Data view, also if multiple Entities are set by row

  • Screen visualization. Opening the Layout editor in a drill-down window, applying changes, and closing the drill-down window caused all custom Data view formatting configurations to be lost. The issue has been fixed

  • Screen visualization. Text displayed in a Dynawrite added to a Transition Container now wraps correctly, based on the available line space

  • Screen visualization. A visualization issue that caused some Entity members in the Select window to be hidden on an iPad has been resolved

  • Select. In some cases, a selection made on an Unbalanced Hierarchy using a Selector was lost after refreshing the Screen. The bug has been fixed

  • Select. In a Procedure, saving two selections on two members with the same name in different groups of steps prevented a subsequent “Restore Selection” step from working properly. The issue has been fixed

  • Select. When a selection made on two parallel branches of the same tree resulted in a null selection on the parent node, only the latest selected child member was considered and that reflected on the parent node too, instead of showing null selection. The issue has been resolved.
    A new behavior has also been put in place when a selection made on child members results in a null selection on a parent member of the same branch: in this case, only the latest selection is considered

  • Select. In some cases, a security profile including a security selection on Entities caused layouts to fail. The issue has been fixed

  • Select. In a Layout, selections applied to a sorted Entity using the "exclude" option were incorrectly showing no results if a security selection was also applied to the same Entity in the Data model security profile associated with the user. The issue has been resolved

  • Select. A malfunction where a selection applied to newly created Entities did not work as expected and required to unload and reload the Data model in memory  has been resolved

  • Select. In some cases and with Data models imported from Board 10.x, a selection using the Dynamic selection feature with the "Based on cube" option and the "Period <> 0" setting enabled did not work. The issue has been fixed

  • Select. In some cases, the security selection set in Database security profiles was not respected in the Select window displayed in Capsules. The issue has been resolved

  • Select. A malfunction that caused security selections set in Database security profiles to be ignored if multiple selections applied on a Screen resulted in no members has been resolved

  • Selector. A visualization issue that caused buttons of a Selector to be displayed incorrectly on an iPad with the Screen orientation set to portrait has been resolved

  • Send To and Broadcasting. A malfunction that prevented the sending frequency from being edited has been resolved

  • Send To, Subscription, Broadcasting. A malfunction prevented users from editing a scheduled sending after its creation date. The issue has been resolved

  • Smart import. A malfunction caused the decimal separator of user-submitted values to be ignored if the regional settings of the machine where Board server was running was not set to English. The issue has been resolved

  • Substitution formulas. The new "ShowActive" parameter for the @Selection_Ex formula can be used in conjunction with the "Entity" parameter to always show the active members (i.e. members included in the selection) of the configured Entity or to show the formula if a selection is made on other aggregation levels of the same relationship tree.

    • When the "ShowActive" parameter is set to "False" (default value), the output is the formula itself regardless of any other selections made on other aggregation levels of the same relationship tree.
      The formula @Selection_ex(Entity="Month",ShowActive="False") is displayed as is also in Play mode, even if you apply a selection on the Year Entity that propagates to the Month Entity

    • When the "ShowActive" parameter is set to "True", the output is always a list of the current active members (i.e. members included in the selection). If all members of the Entity are selected, the output of the formula is "All".
      The formula @Selection_ex(Entity="Month",ShowActive="True") returns a list of all members of the Month Entity included in the current selection, even if it is made on other aggregation levels of the same relationship tree, such as the Week Entity

  • SVG map. In some cases, map popovers displayed when hovering over a map area contained values related to another map area. The issue has been fixed

  • Time range. Extending a Time Range of a Data model caused the existing enabled normalization rows (i.e. those preceding the selected "DO" checkboxes) in the Relationships section to be disabled. The issue has been fixed

  • Transporter. Transport Packages that would change the Max Item Number of Entities used in non-empty Cubes are not processed and an error message is displayed. Other Entity properties that would change after running the Package are now correctly listed in the "Changed properties" pop-up window

  • Waterfall chart. The scale break line across the plotting area of bars is now also available for horizontally oriented Waterfall charts

  • Waterfall chart. Labels in the chart were truncated if they went over the edge of the plot area, even if the "enablePlotAreaOverflow" parameter was set to "true" in the app settings.config file. The visualization issue has been fixed

  • Waterfall chart. In some cases, data labels of negative series overlapped with the axes. The visualization issue has been resolved

  • Waterfall chart. With multiple Waterfall charts on the same Screen, data labels on top of series were not displayed as expected. The visualization issue has been resolved

  • Waterfall chart. A misconfiguration of the Autozoom feature of  the Waterfall chart could cause the Screen to freeze when trying to open it. This issue has been addressed and a new background check prevents this scenario from occurring

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