Bug fixes and minor changes 14.1
  • 18 Jun 2024
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Bug fixes and minor changes 14.1

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Article summary

Minor Changes

4  June 2024 (V

mTLS certificate for Data sources using Rest APIs. A new mTLS toggle has been added to the creation panel of an API Data Source. When activated, the Admin user can upload a certificate into the Data Source configuration. With this improvement, it is possible to use the uploaded certificate for REST API calls towards the specific Data source so that the source system will validate the requests before returning the information.
This enhancement also fixes a previous limitation whereby when changing the name of a Data source, it was necessary to re-enter sensitive information (password, client secret, etc.).

Notes: This feature is supported by API key, Basic authentication, and OAuth2. It is the same feature offered for the SAP connection type. This enhancement is only available for Cloud customers.


The adoption of the mTLS authentication ensures that traffic is secure and trusted in both directions between Board and the API: it prevents various kinds of cyberthreats, such as Brute force attacks, Spoofing attacks, Phishing attacks and many more.
The mutual TLS authentication method relies on 3 aspects:

  1. Public key and private key. Those keys are used from both parties to encrypt and decrypt messages: anything encrypted with the public key can be decrypted only with the private key and vice versa

  2. TLS certificate. The TLS certificate is a file that holds required important information for verifying the identity of both parties, information on who issued the certificate and the certificate’s expiration date

  3. TLS handshake. The TLS handshake process verifies the TLS certificate and both communicating parties exchange messages to acknowledge each other, verify each other, establish the encryption algorithms they will use, and agree on session keys

How to enable the mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication method for API Data sources in Board

To use the new method for connecting Board to API data sources, proceed as follows:

  1. In the “Data sources” section under System Administration, click on the desired API connection or create a new one by clicking the blue plus icon next to Data sources

  2. Click on the “Enable mTLS” toggle once all other required fields are entered

  3. Upload the required TLS Certificate (required). The Certificate file extension must be .p12 or .pfx

  4. Enter the Certificate password that Board will use to read the certificate during the TLS handshake process

  5. Click on “SAVE” to save or “CREATE” if creating a new Data source.


6 May 2024 (V

New Data source connection timeout parameter for REST APIs. A new parameter has been added to REST API calls defined in a Data source connection to customize the timeout period. The default timeout period is 100 seconds and remains so when this new parameter is not defined. This is helpful, for example, in the event that you anticipate a Data source connection to take longer than 100 seconds.


Filters panel on the Flex Grid. A filters panel has been added to the Flex Grid Object. The Filters tab is located underneath the Fields tab. When clicked, the panel opens and users can quickly and easily manage filters on the Flex Grid. It's possible to add, edit, and delete filters from this panel, in addition to doing so from each column header, if the configuration allows it. Additionally, a new setting, "Show filters panel", located in the Object Properties panel allows Developers to show or hide the Filters panel tab for end users.


Bug Fixes

04 June 2021 (V

Calendar. When changing one of the From/To fields of a Calendar Object, the time selection was not applied to the Screen Objects as it should. This bug has been fixed.

Data entry. In a Data entry-enabled Data View in which both hidden Blocks and a filter were set, when consecutive cells in the same column were selected and deleted using the keyboard delete button, other cells outside of the selected were also deleted. This bug has been fixed.

Data entry. When “Suggested Values” was configured on a Block in a Data entry-enabled Data View, the suggested value would not clear or delete for the end user when using the reset icon available in the cell. This bug has been fixed.

Data reader. The Data reader preview did not show as expected when the option “First row contains headers” was disabled. This bug has been fixed.

Data reader. When loading multiple Cubes from a CSV file, some which have the value of 0 and some which have another value, the Cubes which had a value were not uploaded.

Database security profile. The Database security profile allowed lowercase letters and did not automatically display the text fields in uppercase as it should. Also, the Database security field in the Roles section differed in the on-premise version and was not correctly aligned in the Cloud version. These bugs have been fixed.

Dataflow. When a Dataflow was configured with the Period-by-period recursion and back-compatibility enabled on an empty target Cube, the Dataflow wrote nothing and logged an error. This bug has been fixed.

Dataflow. When a Dataflow Procedure was configured with the extend calculation enabled on Month, the result was not as expected. This bug has been fixed.

Data model. When a Data model was not loaded to memory and sync rules were configured via Subscription Hub, the next Data model sync, for example when adding a new user, would load the Data model in memory using the name in lowercase letters which would cause selections on said database to not apply correctly. This bug has been fixed.

Export. When exporting a printable report to a Word document or PowerPoint and adding the Data View to the print area, the Object was not adjusted correctly to the page size even when using Fit to page configurations. This bug has been fixed

Flex Grid. When a Block was configured in a Flex Grid Layout with the “Hide Block” option enabled, the export options did not work as expected. This bug has been fixed.

Flex Grid. When a Flex Grid was configured with the “Day” Time Entity and the display mode was set to “Description”, the value displayed in numeric format instead of standard format (e.g. “45658” instead of 01/01/2025). This bug has been fixed.

Impact Analysis. When a Capsule Procedure called a Data model Procedure, the Impact Analysis displayed both as Capsule Procedures. When those Data model Procedures were opened from the Impact Analysis, the Capsule was opened instead of the Data model with a cannot read warning. This bug has been fixed

Impact Analysis. When a Capsule was placed inside a subfolder, the Impact Analysis open link did not work with Capsule Procedures as a connected object, and it tried to open them in the root folder. This bug has been fixed.

Impact Analysis. In some cases, running the Impact Analysis on a Procedure caused unexpected errors. This bug has been fixed.

Label. When a Label was configured with a thick border that would extend the size of the Label outside of its original size, the Label was cut off and did not display in its entirety as it should. This bug has been fixed.

Layout Editor. When a Cube had a name over 30 characters long, the name was truncated, and the mouse-over function was needed to read the complete name from the list of Cubes in the Layout Editor. The navigation menu size has been increased so as to accommodate names of 35 characters long.

Localization. When a localization language was added and then selected from the user menu, the localization reset if the page refreshed. This bug has been fixed.

Localization. When using a Localization language and not one of the official translation languages of Board, the English language option would not be available until switching to one of the official default languages of Board like (IT, DE, ES, JA, FR). This bug has been fixed.

Nexel. In the Nexel configurator window, when a cell was selected, the formula already present was displayed with the reference to the selected cell when the formula should become editable and not reference the cell. This bug has been fixed.

Nexel. When a Nexel formula was applied to a Block of a Layout with the Formula type set as Text Cube, the Data View would not perform the calculation and throw an error instead. This bug has been fixed.

OpenStreetMap. Color alerts configured on an OpenStreetMap would not reflect as the color chosen and only displayed in blue. This bug has been fixed.

Procedures. When normalizing a Procedure step, the “All” option was not displayed in the dropdown options. This has been fixed.

Procedure. When a BLOB Cube containing more than 1 Entity was selected in an Extract Cube Capsule Procedure step, the Procedure did not extract the data. This bug has been fixed.

Procedures. When editing a Call Procedure, the Data model Procedure section always opens even if the Procedure is a Capsule Procedure. This bug has been fixed.

Row templates. In some cases, Row templates does not edit and an error message appears. This bug has been fixed.

Select. When a Data View was dimensioned by an Unbalanced Entity by Row in the rightmost position and a selection of another Entity on a different tree was made, the correct values did not display. This bug has been fixed.

Selector. In some cases, when a Selector created in Board 12 without scrollbars was brought into the Board 14 environment, scrollbars displayed when they shouldn’t. This bug has been fixed.

Temporary Cubes. When a Procedure configured with at least one temporary Cube already existed, no temporary Cube displayed in the list of Cubes when creating a new temporary Cube by means of the “Copy existing Cube” option.

Tooltips. When an Object is embedded in certain Containers, the tooltips of the embedded Objects as well as the ones for the Containers themselves would appear on top of a Menu’s dropdown list when they shouldn’t. These bugs have been fixed.

04 June 2021 (V

API. When creating an API Data source connection and the token URL http://localhost was entered, the URL was reported as invalid. This bug has been fixed

Azure ML. Due to an update in the Azure ML Studio APIs, the training query experienced a timeout issue despite the training process continuing in the background. This issue has now been resolved

Browser tab. When a Mask was used on a Screen, the Browser tab name displayed the Mask and Capsule name when only the path to the currently opened Screen should have displayed. This bug has been fixed

Capsules. When a Capsule had a period (.) in the name, the Capsule name in the dropdown list of the Go to Capsule Procedure step would end before the period (.) instead of display the name in full. This bug has been fixed

Cubes. In a specific case, new Cube versions were not possible to create. This bug has been fixed

Cubes. Once a Cube was set as hidden from the Userview of the Cubes section, the Cube could no longer be unhidden or used in a Layout. This bug has been fixed

Cubes. The “In Ram” flag was still visible in the Data model Cubes page and the Cubes configuration page despite being deprecated in Board 14

Cubes. When a text Cube was used in combination with a tooltip to read the Cube’s text that contained HTML syntax, the text displayed in HTML format instead of formatted text

Data entry. When performing Data entry on BLOB Cubes with “Save/Undo Mode” disabled, Data entry actions were not completed automatically when they should have been

Data entry. A Procedure configured to execute with the “Set Trigger” option enabled in “Data entry” Object options (when Data entry is enabled) would only execute when Data entry was saved by clicking the Save icon (blue checkmark) from the sliding toolbar contextual menu and not when “Save Data entry” action was used in a Button, Label, or Procedure. This bug has been fixed. 52519 PRB-000021834

Data entry. When Data entry and “Locked by Cube” was enabled on an RTF Block, the data entry on the Dynawrite was not allowed, regardless of the content of the locking cube. This bug has been fixed

Data readers. When a text field was loaded from a file into a numeric Cube and the value was adjusted via the Data Reader ETL (for example changing the format to a digit value), the Cube remained empty and did not load the value. This bug has been fixed

Data View. When a Data View had the Object Toolbar “Always visible” option enabled, the Object enlarged, exceeding the configured size, and the scrollbars disappeared. This bug has been fixed

Data View. When the contextual menu (sliding toolbar) of a Data View was set to “Always visible”, it would appear on top of other Objects’ dropdown menus rather than underneath them. This bug has been fixed

Data View. When a Data View had more than 32767 rows, an algorithm using the IF command would not provide the correct results. This bug has been fixed

Data View. When the height and width dimensions of the Data View were changed in the Design tab of the Object Properties panel to values less than 70px, the changes did not apply. This bug has been fixed

Data View. When a Data View was formatted to a particular size and was scrolled all the way to the right, the display was cut off. This bug has been fixed

Drill. Drill down execution did not save changes made to the Layout in the Drill (for example changes to the Blocks of the Drill down). In some cases, an error was returned where this type of configuration was already active. This bug has been fixed

Drill. When a drill was configured and deployed on a Data View in Design mode and the Designer opened the Layout editor to edit the drill, the edit option was not available. This bug has been fixed

Drill. When editing a Drill configuration on a Block from the Column appearance section of the Layout editor, the drill was not deployed when double clicking on the Block cell with the specific drill edits configured, and the Drill anywhere window would open instead. If refreshed, the old configuration would remain. This bug has been fixed

Drill. When performing a drill, some options in the contextual menu accessed while in the drill window were missing, like Data, Rows & Columns, Freeze panes, and Numbers scaling. This bug has been fixed

Entities. In the Entities section, the list of properties selectable with the Column Chooser did not offer the “Is in use” column option. This option has been added

Entity Editor. When the “Visible” option in ATO configuration was not enabled and a new member of the child Entity was created from an Entity Editor, the relationship with the default parent Entity would not be created. This bug has been fixed

Export. When exporting a Data View with a long text to a PDF using “Export Printable Report”, the text is not fully displayed. This bug has been fixed

Export. The export printable report to a PowerPoint configuration setting “Slide size” was not displayed correctly (instead called “Page size”). This bug has been fixed

Export. When Exporting data to .xls from a Data View after applying a Quick Layout configuration, the design mode configuration was exported instead of the Quick Layout-applied configuration. This bug has been fixed

Logs. Once a column was sorted or filtered from the Logs section, another sort or filter was no longer possible. In addition, moving between different log pages was not working as expected. This bug has been fixed

Layout. When “Down totals” was disabled from the Axes area of a Data View’s Layout editor where the Data View had 2 Entities set by row, it was not possible to reenable it. This bug has been fixed

Masks. When a Mask that contained a dropdown menu was added to a Screen (e.g. Menu Object used in a Screen Mask), the dropdown appeared transparent and Objects underneath the dropdown were still visible when they should not have been. This bug has been fixed

Masks. Folders were incorrectly displayed as a selectable Screen from the dropdown menu in order to associate a Screen with a Mask. When the folder was selected, an error message would appear. This has been fixed to no longer show folders as a selectable item in the dropdown

Menu. When a Menu Object was configured with the “Show images” option enabled and customizations were made in the Design tab of the Properties panel, the Menu would display folder icons for all Screen items in Play mode instead of the correct icon. This bug has been fixed

Menu. After minimizing and then maximizing a browser, the display of a Menu Object when placed in a Screen or a Mask did not adjust properly from smaller to larger browser size as it should. This bug has been fixed

Objects. When an Object was sized smaller than it’s display content, for example a Label sized smaller than the length of its contents, the field display was wrapped rather than truncated. This bug has been fixed

Objects. When hovering over the contextual menu (sliding toolbar), not all the icons displayed the tooltip text indicating their function. This bug has been fixed

Objects. When selecting multiple Objects, only the “Paste Object” option was available when using the right-click function, although Copy and Delete should have also appeared. This bug has been fixed

Procedures. When selecting a Procedure from the dropdown menu of a Button, Label, row Drill or Block Drill, the Procedures did not appear in alphabetical order. Now, a sorting toggle appears in the dropdown menu where you can choose “AUTO” ordered by date created or “A-Z” ordered alphabetically

Procedure. When a Procedure is configured with the Data entry setting “set trigger” enabled on a Data View and the user performed Data entry within a Drill down window, the Procedure did not execute correctly and data was not saved (even if the “Save Data Entry” step was included in the procedure). This bug has been fixed

Relationships. The graph of an Entity tree in the Relationships section of a Data model was incorrectly represented in certain conditions. This bug has been fixed 

Screen. When a Browser tab was refreshed, the error “Resource not found” appeared instead of the refreshed Screen specifically for Capsules saved under Folders named “Admin”. This bug has been fixed

Scrollbars. Linked scrollbar feature was not working properly: the second Object would not scroll with the linked one and horizontal scrollbars also would not work. These bugs have been fixed

Security Profiles. When hovering over a Cube added to the Cube Visibility section of a Database Security profile as well as a profile of a Folder Profile, the checkbox that should appear would not until clicked and selected. This bug has been fixed

Select Script. When configuring an SQL Data reader, RDB Cube, or a Drill through with a JOIN syntax in the options with specific fields configured, the manual select script shows written incorrectly with too many brackets and commas. This bug has been fixed

Selector. Selectors and Pagers displayed an Entity with a long name as wrapped instead of decreasing the font size to fit on one line. This bug has been fixed

Selector. When a Selector created in Board 12 without scrollbars and it was brought into the Board 14 environment, scrollbars displayed in some cases. This bug has been fixed

Selector. Change a selection on an Unbalanced Entity with a Selector Object was not working as expected when used in combination with the “Clear” functionality. Click the clear icon from the selection window, select the new elements, apply the selection, the Selector retained the initial selection instead of replacing it with the new one. This bug has been fixed

Smart Import. When uploading a file with a period (.) in the name to a Smart Import Object, the file would not upload, and an error appeared indicating that the extension was not supported. This bug has been fixed

Smart Import. The Smart Import Object had a limited upload file maximum size capacity of 976.56 KB. The maximum capacity has been restored

UI. When using the Global Search or visiting the Log settings page, the platform display was readjusted incorrectly. This bug has been fixed

Waterfall. When a Waterfall Object is dimensioned by an unbalanced Entity and a dynamic selection is made on said Entity with a sort applied, the sorting does not work as expected

Word Add-in.  When configuring a Data View using the Board Word Add-in, the size of the Object is not correctly adjusted to the Word page and the changes to the Object size (like using Auto fit to correct the aforementioned bug) are not retained after applying selections. These bugs have been fixed

21 May 2024 (V

Charts. When configuring a chart’s Prefix and Postfix fields from the primary axis settings of the Properties panel, these values were swapped in position upon display in Play mode. This bug has been fixed

Chat. When a new user was created with chat activated, in some cases, when the new user signed in, the chat feature took much longer than it should have. This bug has been fixed

Dataflow. When a Dataflow expression was written a*c+b*d (without parenthesis), the + sign was not considered and the wrong algorithm was executed. However, when the expression was written like (a*c)+(b*d), the algorithm was executed correctly. This bug has been fixed

Data model (on-premise only). When a Data model backup Procedure configured with an expiration date was launched, the timestamp in the log file differed from the one that appeared in the Backup folder. This bug has been fixed

Data Reader. When loading numeric data from a .csv file that had spaces preceding the numbers, the spaces were not automatically removed, causing the data not to load to the target Cube. This bug has been fixed

Data View. When opening the contextual menu to view options available on a Data View without Data entry enabled, the Lock & Spread option was listed when it should only be listed when a Data View has Data entry enabled. This bug has been fixed

Entities. When members of an Entity were deleted, the saturation level did not adjust decreasingly. Furthermore, if members were added, the saturation level would increase, and in some cases, this would result in oversaturation levels although the actual member number was below the Max item number. This bug has been fixed

Lock & Spread. When activating the Lock & Spread feature from the contextual menu, the panel did not show a horizontal scrollbar and the area to configure an operation was misaligned. Both bugs have been fixed

Procedures. When a computer’s operating system was in Japanese, Data model Procedures would not display and steps would not appear when creating a new one. This bug has been fixed

Relationships. When multiple Time Relationships that shared the same Time Entity were loaded via a Data reader, some relations would overlap, resulting in Relationships that were inconsistent with the file loaded. A Warning log has been added to indicate this situation, whereby the codes and names of the Entities involved are disclosed. To restore operation, you must delete and recreate one of the overlapping Relationships suggested in the log

Security selection. When a security selection was made on a Data model where the order differed from the default order configuration, and then a Select was made (either by a Selector, Pager, or Screen Select) within the same Data model, the order of members was displayed incorrectly (according to the security selection order and not the default order). This bug has been fixed

Selector. When a Selector Object of type Horizontal or Vertical list was resized, the Entity members did not occupy the whole space providing, leaving a blank space. This bug has been fixed

Waterfall Chart. After adding a title to both axes of a Waterfall Chart and changing the font, size, or color of the titles, an error occurred. This bug has been fixed 

6 May 2024 (V

Data source. When an SAP Data source was modified by editing the URL or moving the Data model from one instance to another where the SAP Data source has a different URL, all the configured Data Readers executed even if the endpoint was invalid. Data Readers will work if the Data Source URL is updated to a new valid endpoint and will not work if the URL is wrong or invalid

Excel Add-in. When a Layout with numeric algorithm blocks was exported to Excel Add-in, the formulas were not kept and only the values were exported. This bug has been fixed

Impact Analysis. In some cases, when accessing the Impact Analysis from a Data model, an error occurred where the page could not be accessed. In this case, the diagnostic log has been enhanced to record information about the file restricting access to the Impact Analysis so the user can address it and then successfully access the Impact Analysis area

Selector. When a pop-up Selector Object was configured with the “Select one member only” option, multiple members were continuously selected unless refreshed. This bug has been fixed

Time function. When the “Trend” function was configured in the Block settings of a Cube with 1 dimension in a Layout of a Dataflow Procedure step with the Dataflow expression of B=A, where B is the target Cube and not empty, the Dataflow did not correctly write the values in the target Cube. This bug has been fixed

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