Creating a Flex Grid Object
  • 14 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Creating a Flex Grid Object

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Article summary

Creating a Flex Grid has some similarities to a Data View, however, there are some major differences, for example, grouping values by row is done directly in the Flex Grid instead of in the Layout.
To create a new Flex Grid Object, you need to access a Screen in Design mode.

The topics covered on creating a Flex Grid are divided into 3 areas and are as follows:

This article covers the first topic of how to create a Flex Grid.

Create a Flex Grid

To create a Flex Grid Object, follow the steps below:

  1. Drag and drop the Flex Grid Screen Object into the Screen area

  2. Configure the Layout by clicking in the center of the empty Object or the Layout icon when selected:

    1. Add Blocks to the Layout and configure their settings, like Color alerts, Functions, Refer to, Total by, Rules, and Nexel, similar to a Data View

    2. Add Entities to the "By Row" area in the Axes tab. Choose the member display mode and whether each Entity should display only members with values or also zeroes

    3. Add a Layout Select (optional)

  3. Configure the Flex Grid from the Object itself in the Screen:

    1. Group fields by row, add any sorts and/or filters, and save a default flat view configuration

    2. Access the Fields panel and enable Pivot Mode to group fields by row and column, then add any sorts and/or filters, and save a default Pivot Mode configuration

  4. Format the Flex Grid:

    1. Configure the capabilities of the Object for an end user in Play mode with the Flex Grid Object properties

    2. Customize the design, like the colors, templates, Object toolbar settings, and Block format

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