Change the Data model associated with a Capsule
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Change the Data model associated with a Capsule

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Article summary

To change the Data model associated with a Capsule (i.e. with all Screens of that Capsule), proceed as follows:

  1. Right click over the Capsule tile and select "Capsule properties"  contents/assets/images/

  2. In the Capsule properties page, click on "REPLACE DATA MODEL"

  3. Fill the "Target Data model" and "New Data model" fields, then click the "REPLACE" button

    Both fields are case sensitive Only Data models you've been granted access to will be suggested during typing

  4. Click the "YES, CONFIRM" button

If the Capsule contains Screens associated with different Data models, any association change made in the Capsule properties page will only affect the Screens associated with the replaced Data model. If the Capsule contains Screens whose Objects are associated with different Data models, any association change made in the Capsule properties page will only affect the Objects associated with the replaced Data model.

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