Right-click function
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Right-click function

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Article summary

In the new Board 14 release, the right-click function has been added as a new feature that can be used on selected items and areas. This feature offers quick options, settings, sorting, or actions depending on where it is being deployed. Read more to discover where you can deploy the right-click function for quicker actions and capabilities.


Table headings

On table headings, sort the elements in a table by ascending or descending order by right-clicking on the title in which you would like to sort the table.


  • Ascending. Sort the table by ascending order according to the header title, for e.g. Name in ascending order lists the elements from A-Z by Name

  • Descending. Sort the table by descending order according to the header title, for e.g., Name in descending order lists the elements from Z-A by Name

  • Clear sorting. Clear the sorting choice

To reset to the default order of your table list, click on the icon in the top right corner which is only available after a sort has been applied.


The Capsule section

Under the Capsule section, there are multiple places where you can deploy the right-click function.

On a Capsule

Right click on a Capsule to display the options menu. The options in the menu are as follows:

  • Go to Screen contents/assets/images/screen.list.png. You will immediately be taken to the Screen of your choice made from a pop up window with a list of Screens to choose from

  • Add to favorites contents/assets/images/favorite.png. Add Capsule to your favorites folder for easy access

  • Enlarge Tile contents/assets/images/plus.png. Enlarge the Capsule Tile

  • Reduce Tile contents/assets/images/minus-16.png. Reduce the size of the Capsule Tile

  • Configure Tile  contents/assets/images/configure.png. Open the settings menu to customize the Tile

  • Rename contents/assets/images/edit.pres.png. Rename the Capsule

  • Move to contents/assets/images/move.to.png. Move the Capsule to a different folder or location

  • Save as contents/assets/images/save-as-16.png. Save as a copy

  • Edit in Design mode contents/assets/images/pencil.edit.png, Immediately enter the Capsule in Design mode instead of Play mode (default)

  • Capsule properties contents/assets/images/panel.collapse.png. Edit and configure the Capsule properties. A window appears where you can change the name, home screen, default Data model, and default Capsule font. You can select whether to hide Screen list from the “Hide Screen list” checkbox. To the right is THE APPEARANCE section. Click on "CONFIGURE TILE" to customize the appearance of the Tile. You also have the ability to Replace the Data model and Capsule fonts with the corresponding buttons located at the bottom of the window which opens another window in which you can do so

  • Delete contents/assets/images/delete.png. Delete the Capsule.

On a Folder

Right click on a Folder to display different option menus. The following areas are where you can use the right-click function:

  • Rename contents/assets/images/edit.pres.png. Rename the folder

  • Manage folder security contents/assets/images/folder-security16.png. Enter the Folder security page to configure settings

  • Delete contents/assets/images/delete.png. Delete folder.

In a Capsule

In the Left sliding panel under "Resources", you can right-click on a Screen with the following options:

  • Set as Home Screen. Sets the current Screen to the Home Screen which will open automatically when the user enters the Capsule. This option is only available on Screens not already set to Home. It is only possible to set one Home Screen

  • Save as.  Saves the Screen as a copy. The copy must have a different name then any other Screen in the Capsule, including the original

  • Delete. Deletes the Screen.

In a Screen

Right click on a Screen component to display different option menus. The following areas are where you can use the right-click function:

Data Blocks in the Layout Editor

You will see a menu with the following options:

  • Settings contents/assets/images/panel.collapse.png. Click to open the Data Block settings menu. It will appear in the Data area with the menu options listed to the left side. Read more about Data Block settings here.

  • Add next contents/assets/images/plus.png. Hover over “Add next” to add one of the following to your Data Block.

    • Cube contents/assets/images/cube3d-16.png

    • Algorithm contents/assets/images/nexel.png

    • Entity contents/assets/images/entity.png

    • Ranking contents/assets/images/ranking.png

    • Rule contents/assets/images/rule.png

  • Duplicate contents/assets/images/duplicate.png. Duplicate the Data Block

  • Delete contents/assets/images/delete.png. Delete the Data Block.

Objects in Design mode

Right click on a data cell in a Data View or where the data is expressed on a chart to reveal the Object toolbar which provides the same options as the Contextual sliding menu.

Click on the cog contents/assets/images/settings.cog.png icon to open the full menu of items that are available to the end user in Play mode. Here you can customize which options are displayed for the end user in Play mode by selecting or deselecting options. You can also move them in a different order by dragging and dropping them in another location. You can only change position within each group which is marked by a white line separating each group of options.


Objects in Play mode

Right click anywhere on the Object to reveal the Object toolbar menu which provides the same menu as the Contextual sliding menu. If a cell of a Data View or section of a chart is selected, the toolbar menu will include the option "Select" and "Drill anywhere" at the top of the menu. Many of the options are the same as before, however may be in a different position. The new feature is “Export screenshot” and Rows & Columns has been enhanced with more capabilities configured in the improved Quick Layout. The following are new to the Contextual sliding menu in Play mode:

  • Export screenshot .png contents/assets/images/screenshot.png. This is a new feature where you can export a screenshot of the Object to a .png. It is also found in the Contextual sliding menu

  • Enhanced Rows & Columns contents/assets/images/rows&columns.png. Allows you to add/remove Entities set by Row or by Column as per the configuration of the Quick Layout in Design mode.

The Presentation section

Under the Presentation section, there are multiple places where you can deploy the right click function.

On a Presentation Tile

  • Add to favorites contents/assets/images/favorite.png. Add the Presentation to your favorites list

  • Presentation info contents/assets/images/info.png.See the Presentation info: name, description, author, creation date, last modified date, and last opened date

  • Edit presentation info contents/assets/images/edit.pres.png. Edit the Presentation name and description

  • Edit presentation contents/assets/images/pencil.edit.png.Enter the Presentation workspace to edit it

  • Duplicate contents/assets/images/duplicate.png. Duplicate the Presentation

  • Share presentation contents/assets/images/share.png. Share the Presentation

  • Delete contents/assets/images/delete.png. Delete the Presentation.

The Data models section

Under the Data models section, there are multiple places where you can deploy the right-click function.

On a Data model Tile

  • Rename contents/assets/images/pencil.edit.png. Rename the Data model

  • Delete contents/assets/images/delete.png. Delete the Data model

  • Backup contents/assets/images/backup.png. Backup the Data model

  • Restore contents/assets/images/refresh.png. Restore the Data model

On Entities

In the Entities page, right click on an Entity to show the following options:

  • Less aggregatecontents/assets/images/minus-16.png). Create an Entity that is less aggregated than the selected Entity

  • More aggregate ( + ). Create an Entity that is more aggregated than the selected Entity

  • Edit contents/assets/images/pencil.edit.png ). Edit the Entity or multiple Entities when multiple are selected at once

On Relationships

In the Relationships page, right click on an Entity to show the following options:

  • Show relation to contents/assets/images/relationships-16.png. Opens a list of children and/or parents to choose from to show the Entity's relationship with a selection from the list

  • Move onto contents/assets/images/parent.png. Create a relationship with the current Entity by selecting an Entity from the list provided when hovering over this option

  • Remove from tree contents/assets/images/minus-16.png. Remove Entity from its tree.

On Cubes, Data readers, Rules, Procedures, Style templates, & Drill-throughs

In the Cubes, Data readers, Rules, Procedures, Format, or Drill-through page, right click on a Cube, Data reader, Rule, Procedure, Style template, or Drill-through to show the following option:

  • Edit contents/assets/images/pencil.edit.png. Edit the element.

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