Copying, deleting, & renaming a Presentation
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Copying, deleting, & renaming a Presentation

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Article summary

This topic describes how to copy, delete, and rename an existing Presentation.

To copy a Presentation, proceed as follows:

  1. From the homepage of the Presentations section, click on the 3 vertical dots contents/assets/images/3-dots.png in the upper right corner of the Presentation tile you want to copy

  2. Click on "Duplicate"

  3. Choose a name for the copied Presentation

  4. Click "SAVE". The Presentation is now available from the Presentation homepage to enter in Play or Edit mode.

To delete a Presentation, proceed as follows:

  1. From the homepage of the Presentations section, click on the 3 vertical dots contents/assets/images/3-dots.png in the upper right corner of the Presentation tile you want to delete

  2. From the menu, click on "Delete"

  3. A dialogue will ask you if you are sure you want to delete. Press "YES" to delete the Presentation

Once a Presentation is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

To rename a Presentation, proceed as follows:

  1. From the homepage of the Presentations section, 3 vertical dots contents/assets/images/3-dots.png in the upper right corner of the Presentation tile you want to rename

  2. From the menu, select "Edit Presentation info"
     contents/assets/images/ (1).png

  3. Rename the Presentation by editing the "Presentation name" field and optionally edit the description in the "Presentation description" field


You can also open a Presentation in Edit mode directly from the Presentations homepage: to do so, click on the 3 vertical dots contents/assets/images/3-dots.png in the upper right corner of the Presentation tile or use the right click function over the tile and then click on "Edit Presentation".

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