Welcome to the Board Subscription Hub
  • 13 Jun 2024
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Welcome to the Board Subscription Hub

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Article summary

  • Applies to: All Board Cloud subscriptions

WHAT: Introduction to the Board Subscription Hub

The Board Subscription Hub is a portal for administrators of Board Cloud Platforms that allows you to carry out several user management tasks on multiple Board Cloud Platforms at once. It also displays all your Board Cloud Platforms and provides a quick way to access them.

The Subscription Hub makes it easier to manage all of your users and ensures a higher degree of efficiency while creating less administration: you can add users one by one or import them in bulk using a CSV file or by leveraging a federated identity provider already in place within your organization.

You can also set up and manage Board's Collaboration services, allowing users to publish content in Board, open discussion threads embedded in Screens and Capsules, or to chat with each other.

Here's a breakdown of the tiles you'll see when you log into the Subscription Hub:

  • Users. The user management section for all your Board Platforms. You can add, modify, delete and import users, sync the users list and configure client APIs

  • Permission Groups. Create and manage Permission Groups to quickly apply permissions and authorizations to users

  • User metadata. Create and manage user information fields

  • Sign-in page. Customize the sign-in page of your Board Platforms

  • Enrollment. Configure a user enrollment process, assign approvers and set the default user authorizations

  • Collaboration. Enable and configure Board's Collaboration services in your Board Platforms

  • Identity provider federation. Add SAML2 or OIDC federated identity providers to be used for accessing Board Platforms

  • Licenses. Review your Board license features and information

  • General settings. Configure various settings regarding all associated Board Platforms

  • Board Platforms Tiles. See all your Board Platforms and their status, and access them right away


HOW: Board Subscription Hub's main features

In this manual you will find all information about the following features of the Subscription Hub:

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